Why Yoga?
by: Mod Amaya

One of the most beneficial aspects of yoga is the fact that it can truly be for every “body.” Yoga is so many things: breathing,stretching, sitting, standing, toning, twisting, and doing absolutely nothing…sometimes all in the same moment. As a result, this age-old practice can be attractive to both young and old; injured and recovering; flexible and rigid; and able-bodied and otherwise. (Actually, it’s difficult to have an excuse for not practicing yoga.)
If you fall into the category of the less-than-adept yoga student (a title imposed by your own preconceptions, as it is), you still have to start somewhere, right? Whatever the cause, when a lack of motivation is a factor, join a group class. Your fellow classmates can be your biggest inspiration to continue doing yoga on a regular basis, which incidentally, is the fastest way to see results…which will keep you doing it. Anyone see a pattern?
Remember, too, that a yoga practice is as individualized and unique as the student. So, what if you don’t look like the gymnast sitting across from you in class? You can still experience your full potential. A group class offers you the benefit of a live yoga instructor, and a good one will help you to modify your poses and use props, an advantage you don’t always get from a DVD. When you are shown the proper way to practice, your body may do things you never thought possible. As long as you exercise optimal alignment, there is no reason you can’t or shouldn’t move toward doing something seemingly unattainable like a handstand, or press-up handstand, or one-armed handstand – choose your intention! You may surprise yourself!
If a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a first step, taking yoga one breath at a time can move you from lying on your back to balancing on your forearms. This may be achieved in one yoga class – or 50! You never really know, and in fact, there may not be an exact destination, a final physical goal for the body. With yoga, the point is just to continue moving in the direction that is right for you.