Karla Adams is an Educator, a Motivator, and a Specialist in Lifestyle Change. Voted #1 on the Inland Empire, Karla Adams Fitness Corporation has transformed thousands of lives by facilitating programs that provide the right education on nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle change.
17 years of experience in Sports Nutrition and Exercise Science throughout Riverside
Inland Empire’s #1 leader in Transformation, Karla Adams, professional athlete, has helped thousands
of clients transform their lifestyles. From the young age of 16, she has embarked on a lifestyle of activism
within her community in order to positively affect trends in many ways, with her deep belief and faith in
GOD used as the guildline of what areas to target. She has been the CO-Chair of the Sendai Sister City
and on the Internal Relations Board for over 7 year and currently is on the City Fit, Fresh and Fun Forum to
lower the body fat in Riverside below 50%. Karla Adams Club has provides custom fitness and nutrition
programs for over17 years helping thousands in the process of lifestyle change, since 2011the Karla
Adams Foundation has put on many events in Riverside that has been a part of positively affect many
social trends in health and well-being.
Karla’s goal is to help people succeed at lifestyle change, by providing the right Education, be a vessel
that enhances ones own Motivation, aiding in the process of a Change of lifestyle. Believing it takes the
power of mind, body, and spirit to make long-lasting positive changes, Karla constructs solutions,
programs, and partnerships to move any community toward healthier more balanced living. Using inner
peace on a daily basis despite what obstacle may occur as a measuring tool in her community to determine they are accomplishing goal of living in balance.
A passionate lifestyle specialist, her programs, events and speaking engagements attract all types of people from celebrities and politicians to housewives, corporations, families, and high-ranking business executives. Karla does more than just facilitate programs to give great results, she is constructing creative solutions to mobilize an emotional movement toward living in balance.
Featured twice on KTLA Channel 5 and Good Day LA Channel 7 in 2012, her shining spirit and dedication inspires devoted followers from all over the world over to empower themselves for positive change. Karla has lived in England as well as traveled to Japan 7 times as part of an official delegation of the City of Riverside. She has been a competitive half marathon runner for over 7 years and now professionally
competes in fitness competitions.
This “fitness maven” has had cover features on multiple magazine, been a guest speaker at multiple corporations, events and City programs. No matter what you call her, Karla’s magnetic personality, explosive style and respected commentary on lifestyle change, and the power of your own mind continue to propel her to the forefront of the current trends.
“I love educating and motivating all my clients and helping them transform and reach their fitness goals! I love seeing people change for the better!” – Karla
John 3:16
Get inspired by Karla Adams! Karla is a motivational speaker, fitness icon, lifestyle icon, and bikini competitor!
Karla loves to speak about the importance of Life Balance and the process of Transformation!
Featured Speaking Engagements
La Sierra University – 2016
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management – Wellness & Lifestyle Change Workshop
Riverside City Wellness Program – 2012, 2013
Springboard Corporate workshop Series (September – December 2010)
Bobby bonds – Youth Workshop for Kids
Workshop -Tetley Financial Group, 2012
Las Vegas Marathon Expo, Healthy Weight Loss for the Long Distance
Walker/Jogger/Runner (December 8, 2006)
Las Vegas Marathon Expo, Optimally Fit Walkers, Joggers, Runners:
Feeling Your Best (December 9, 2006)
Loma Linda Lopers, Various Subject, Various occasions (2003-present)
North High School , Health Class (2008)
Previous Public Speaking

Orange County Muscle Classic XXXV (August 2012)
3rd place, Muscle Beach Bikini Competition (July 2012)
Century City Pageant (May 2012)
Century City Pageant – (February 2012)
Muscle Mania (2013)
2nd place Sports Model, ABA/INBA Fitness Contest (April 2015)
1st place Diva Fitness Model, WBFF LA Fitness & Fashion Weekend (April 2015)
2nd in bikini 35+, 3rd in Fitness Model, Muscle Mania, Orange County, (May 23, 2015
2nd in open bikini, and 2nd in bikini 35+, Muscle Beach, Venice, (May 25, 2015)
Top 10 in open division, WBFF Worlds, Las Vegas, (August 14-15, 2015)
5th overall, Model Hollywood Championship, (August 23, 2015)
Active Elite Sponsored Athlete, (2004)
Riverside City Delegation, invited runner to Sendai Japan, Sendai Half Marathon (2004)
Highland Half Marathon (13.1 miles) 1st place female overall (January 16, 2005)
Sendai Half Marathon Female Runner (2004, 2008)
- Orange County Muscle Classic XXXV (August 2012)
- 3rd place, Muscle Beach Bikini Competition (July 2012)
- Century City Pageant (May 2012)
- Century City Pageant (February 2012)
- Muscle Mania (2013)
- 2nd place Sports Model, ABA/INBA Fitness Contest (April 2015)
- 1st place Diva Fitness Model, WBFF LA Fitness & Fashion Weekend (April 2015)
- 2nd in bikini 35+, 3rd in Fitness Model, Muscle Mania, Orange County, (May 23, 2015)
- 2nd in open bikini, and 2nd in bikini 35+, Muscle Beach, Venice, (May 25, 2015)
- Top ten in open division, WBFF Worlds, Las Vegas, (August 14-15, 2015)
- 5th overall, Model Hollywood Championship, (August 23, 2015)
- Personal Training Certification, American College of Sports Medicine2007 (Loma Linda University)
- Practical Nutrition for Fitness Professionals, Nutrition Education for Fitness Professionals 2003
- Spinning Certification, Mad Dogg Athletics 2000
- Personal Training Certification, National Academy of Sports Medicine1999
- Personal Training Certification, Twenty Four Hour Fitness University 1999
- Level I Foundational Program, Clarks Nutritional Center 1998
- Charter Communications Interview, June 2008
- Effective home workout exercises, Personal Trainer TV, guess speaker, September 20, 2007
- Business tips for trainers, Personal Trainer TV, guess speaker, September 20, 2007
- KRCC- Channel 94/17 Charter communications, twelve work out videos, in production
- AM 640, The Power Hour, Health Talk Radio with John Spencer Ellis, June 5, 2007
- Spike TV, Wonderful World of Spike, February 2007
- KCSB TV- Channel 3 Interview by Sarah Cain, Hi-Lights from the 2005 Highland Family YMCA 5K, 10K & 1/2 Marathon, January 2005
- Charter Channel 33 Interview by Bob Bishop, Riverside Sister Cities Half Marathon, Oct 1, 2006- present
- Changing Your Life, By Tammy Minn (P.153), February 2007
- Press Enterprise :
- The Press Enterprise, FILL UP WITH CHOCOLATE // Dairy board pushes milk as a recovery drink, October 17,2006
- The Press Enterprise, Those using testosterone playing dangerous game // ATHLETICS: Experts say there can be serious side effects and suggest safe and legal alternatives., July 29 th, 2006
- The Press Enterprise , PREVENTION FOR LIFE // SPRING IN YOUR WALK, April 4 th, 2006
- The Press Enterprise , Prevention for Life // SAFETY IN THE SUN, August 2, 2005
- The Press Enterprise, HEALTH: DON’T DO THE SAME THING EVERY DAY // SPICING UP EXERCISE // Some variety will help keep your workout interesting, experts say, January 25, 2005
- Prevention For Life// Fall back into workouts without falling apart, September 7 th, 2004
- San Bernardino Sun
- Mitchell’s body builder beneath business suit, April 26, 2007
- Lopers newsletter garners top honor, January 18, 2007
- Highland YMCA run on Sunday, January 25, 2006
- International Relations Council News letter
- Happenings in Sendai pages 3 and 9, March 2004
- Sendai High School News
- Letter “Sharing”, Sendai Half Marathon Competitor, July 5, 2005
Featured Guest Speaker Engagements:
- Las Vegas Marathon Expo, Healthy Weight Loss for the Long Distance Walker/Jogger/Runner, December 8 th, 2006 .
- Las Vegas Marathon Expo, Optimally Fit Walkers, Joggers, Runners: Feeling Your Best, December 9 th, 2006 .
- Loma Linda Lopers, Various Subject, Various occasions, 2003-present
- North High School , Health Class, 2008
- Workshop – Tetley Financial Group, 2012
- Bobby bonds – Youth Workshop for Kids
- Springboard Corporate Workshops Series (September – December 2010)
- Riverside City Wellness Program – 2012, 2013
- Merrill Lynch Wealth Management – Wellness and Lifestyle Change Workshop
Loma Linda Lopers
- Runner, 2003-Present
- Assistant Editor, Loma Linda Lopergram, 2004-2007
- Lopergram columnist, “Karla’s Corner ”
- Important Nutrition, Summer Issue 2004, Volume 28, No 1
- Getting Stronger and Looking Better, Full Issue 2004, Volume 28, No 2
- Optimally Fit Athletes Feeling Strong, Looking Good, and Eating Right, Winter Issue 2005, Volume 28, No 3
- Get on the Ball, Spring Issue 2005, Volume 28, No 4
- The Marathoners Weight Loss Diet, Summer Issue 2005, Volume 29, No 01
- Cardio vs. Weight Training, Winter Issue 2006, Volume 29, No 2
- 5 Tips for Achieving and Keeping Great Physical Results, Spring Issue 2006, Volume 29, No 3
- Thinking Injury Prevention, Summer Issue 2006, Volume 29, No 4
- Hydration: it is important for all Athletes, Winter Issue2007, Volume 30 No 2
- What to eat for long distance training, Summer issue 2007, Volume 30 No 3
International Relation Council
- Sendai Committee Co-Chair, 2005- present
- Sendai Half Marathon Runner and leader
- Invited runner to represent Riverside City , International Relations Council, 2004 and 2005
- Lead Delegation of runners, Coach, 2006 and 2007
- Active Elite Sponsored Athlete, Team Energice and Sof Sole, 2004
Web designer/manager
-, 2003-2008
-, 2006-2009
-, 2007-2009
- January 16, 2005 Highland Half Marathon (13.1 miles) 1st place female over all
- RRCA Western Region Journalist Winner, Loma Linda Lopergram, Assistant Editor, March 4, 2007
- Mayor’s Outstanding Service Award, Sendai-Riverside 50th Anniversary Celebration, February 2008