Community Events
Improving the health and well-being of the community.
Matthew 18:20
20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
“We know more than we’ve ever known on well-being, BUT we also have more health issues than we’ve EVER had! At Karla Adams Community Events, we focus on bridging the gap!”
Karla Adams Community Events provides free health education and resources that promote healthy eating, well-being, and an active lifestyle. Through establishing partnerships, and hosting motivational events we look forward to a future with a healthier community.
Be a part of an emotional movement driven to affect health trends for the better! be a part of making our mission a reality!
Karla Adams
Karla Adams Community Events seeks to increase wellness in the areas where a deficiency occurs. We partner with, and showcase, companies and organizations that help improve one or more of the areas illustrated above in order to continually move our community toward health and well-being.
“The City of Riverside is on the path towards becoming a healthy city, because of people like you who are passionate about making a difference in the community.”-Mayor Ronald Loveridge at The Karla Adams Fitness Corporation’s Health Fair 2011

The community love the Fruit eating contest with Mayor Bailey & Assembly Member Jose Medina! What a great way to celebrate healthy lives! How wonderful to see leaders influencing the community!-Karla Adams Club 2014