State Assembly
The Karla Adams Health and Fitness Fair is an annual event celebrated throughout Riverside since July, 23rd, 2011. The first Health & Fitness Fair was a huge success and included various health-oriented vendors, fitness games, and activities for adults and children alike. The fruit-eating contest between Riverside Honorable Mayor Ron Loveridge, Councilman Rusty Bailey, Councilman Andy Melendrez, and Karla Adams drew huge crowds.
Other Statistics And Press
- More than 50% of adults do not get enough physical activity and 24% are not physically active at all
- Over 18% of children are obese
- 22% of people exercise eenough for health benefits
- 1 Death occurs every 36 seconds from heart disease or strokes
- 1 trillion seconds ago was 3000 BC
- Over 100 Million adults have above normal cholesterol
- Roughly 20 Million People have depressive disorders
- The U.S. spends 2.2 Trillion a year for health insurance
- The average person sees 7 Doctors in a year
- Riverside County ranks fourth obese country in the nation
A look at the wellness deficiency in our community

Increase the health and well-being of the community
[1][1] FACTS from “Every Monday Matters” By: Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza (2009)
[2][2] FACTS from Ezekeiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D., February 1st Common Wealth Radio (2009)
[3][3] FACT from “Riverside County” Health Indicators HCE (2009)