
Eating Natural

Muscle Mary

A decision has finally been made! You have been working out for a while and you made the decision that is life changing! It’s going to take discipline,courage,dedication. It might take a while. It will take making some different choices, and sacrificing the life routine that you already have! What could it be?

You have decided to get in the best shape of your life!!!! GET RIPPED! GET CUT! SHOW YOUR MUSCLES!

How does one achieve this? I am talking about achieving this muscular body in an all NATURAL way! I can only tell you the questions  you should first ask yourself…….

The first question you must ask is what do you want? I wanted muscles and a healthy body.

The second question is what are you willing to do to get what you want?  I was willing to dedicate myself five mornings a week , working different muscle groups each day and most important change my diet preparing my meals and getting up early and cook. I eat 6 small meals times a day. Drink lots of water .I use a wonderful personal trainer by the name of Karl Adams 2 times a week .  Also getting the right amount of rest at night is important because muscle develops when sleeping.

The third question is (and probably one of the most important question of all!) What are you NOT willing to do? For myself the answer was easy. I was not willing to take an artificial substance into my body to produce bigger muscles. To make me artificially stronger. Make me into an ultimate workout machine. If I couldn’t do it through natural means of hard work and good diet with the proper proteins and complex carbohydrates I didn’t want it!

Steroids have been around for a while. We have all heard the stories of the harm it can bring our bodies. Not to mention your MIND!!  Very dangerous, as well as illegal!

An important ingredient of this recipe is  your own body image! As you become more cut and you are developing muscle mass you start to become more critical of yourself.  It is very important that you start to like yourself! Even your imperfections! Make your weakest link your strongest point. In my own journey I made the decision not to have augmentation and am still learning to like myself for who I am. In not going through with the surgery,  I felt like I lost, but as time passed I learned that I won.  What did I win? The opportunity to like me in a natural way and for who I am. We need to understand there are many body shapes and sizes. Everyone can get cut and healthy. As long as you are willing to accept yourself for whom you are and compare yourself with nobody other than yourself. You have heard the term gym rat? We usually think of the most perfect person being a gym rat, but I say if you are there YOU are the gym rat. Develop inner strength as well as all natural muscle!  Part of all this is not only the physical changes that you see but the mental changes of feeling good and most of all, being healthy. The best part of all of this is when you use natural means to work out and get cut you might very well be inspiring someone! You never know who it might be! Someone else might decide after you start your journey they want to start theirs!!!

So before you make the decisions to get cut ask yourself those 3 questions. Most of all for whatever your reasons are make it healthy! And all natural!!