
How Sleep Reduces Your Body Fat

4 Reasons Why Sleep Can Help You Reduce Your Body Fat   Sleep controls your diet Not sleeping enough (less than 7 hours of sleep per night) can reduce and undo the benefits of health and fitness.  In a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, people who were trying to lose weight were [...]

How Sleep Reduces Your Body Fat2022-02-28T17:46:46-08:00

Increase Your Lean Mass with Protein

Fill up on Lean Protein Eating adequate protein is essential for a healthy diet, weight loss and important for increased muscle mass. Ensure you're eating the right types and amounts to help you reach your goal. The amount of protein you need will vary on your gender, age and activity level. However, if you're trying to [...]

Increase Your Lean Mass with Protein2022-02-28T17:46:46-08:00

Body Fat Reduction

EXERCISE Regular weight training triggers a quicker metabolism and helps you reduce body fat. Weight training increases your lean mass, and this results in a faster metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat. Twice or three times per week, train your body. You'll be doing more than just reducing your body fat, your heart, [...]

Body Fat Reduction2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00

10 things you didn’t know about Saunas

USE THE SAUNA TO BOOST YOUR METABOLISM! Tension fades. Muscles unwind. Mentally, we emerge relaxed, revived and ready for whatever the day may bring. 1. Saunas relieve stress. It's a warm, quiet space without any distractions where you can clear your mind and stimulate the release of endorphins.2. Saunas relax muscles and soothe aches/pains in [...]

10 things you didn’t know about Saunas2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00

Lean and Healthy

Lean and Healthy 2008 By Matt Fitzgerald Her Sports + Fitness During heavy training for a marathon or triathlon, you, like many athletes, may feel hungry from the moment you wake up until your head hits the pillow at night. Worse, with a jam-packed schedule, those pesky hunger pangs can lure you to stray from your [...]

Lean and Healthy2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00

Overcome the Struggles of Nutrition

Overcome the Struggles of Nutrition               As mentioned in the previous article, it has been established that there are indeed several reasons as to why people often struggle with their nutrition, affecting their lifestyle. Although there may very well be several subtle reasons (i.e. strictly being lazy) the emphasis was placed on the top five [...]

Overcome the Struggles of Nutrition2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00
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