
Cardio vs. Weight Training

Cardio vs. Weight Training By: Karla Adams For most, the solution to weight loss is to cut back on the meals and start doing lots of extra cardio. Most people feel this is the answer for burning up that extra fat, leaving us lean and toned and ready to show off our abs, right? Well [...]

Cardio vs. Weight Training2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00

LA Marathon

LA Marathon March 2008 By: Alejandra Negrete Joining the Lopers in 2007 was best thing I did to help me achieve my ultimate goal of completing my first marathon.  This past year was a year of both sadness and happiness.  Having had a baby and losing my mother to breast cancer were events in my life [...]

LA Marathon2016-06-14T12:27:25-07:00

What to eat for Long Distance training

What to eat for Long Distance training   By: Karla Adams, Lopergram CARBOHYDRATES: Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy. When eaten, they convert into glucose. Glucose is used by the body for energy or stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen, which is used later for energy. They are your body’s highest [...]

What to eat for Long Distance training2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00

Prevention for Life: Spring in your Walk

  PREVENTION FOR LIFE : SPRING IN YOUR WALK Spring in Your Walk - Press-Enterprise   April 4, 2006 By MIKE SCHWARTZ, THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE Spring is a great time for older adults to shake off those winter cobwebs and get outdoors for brisk walks. “Walking is the most popular physical activity among senior citizens,” said athletic [...]

Prevention for Life: Spring in your Walk2022-02-28T17:46:48-08:00

Increasing your speed for the for the long run

Lopergram Increasing your speed for the for the long run October 2008 If you have been running for a while and now want to start increasing your time taking an organized approach to your training routine and nutrition plan can make huge difference! Though the best way to become a better runner is to do lot [...]

Increasing your speed for the for the long run2016-06-14T11:01:03-07:00

Sendai Half Marathon – Ross Fisher

Ross Fisher Sendai Half Marathon by 2005 July 10, 2005 As part of the annual celebration of the Sister City relationship between Riverside and Sendai Japan, I had the great honor of being invited to participate in the Sendai International Half Marathon Race along with fellow Loper and personal trainer Karla Adams, as we represented the [...]

Sendai Half Marathon – Ross Fisher2022-02-28T17:46:48-08:00

Spicing Up Exercise

By KIMBERLY PRENDERGAST THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE    Front page of the Your Life Section Yoga. Pilates. Martial Arts. old disciplines, yet they continue to grow in popularity, spawning copycat routines and endless merchandise. Classes and DVDs offer routines based on everything from ballet and hula to Navy SEAL training. “Medicine balls, elastic bands and fitness balls are popular [...]

Spicing Up Exercise2022-02-28T17:46:49-08:00
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