
Increase your Metabolic Rate

  Keys to speeding up your metabolism! You can speed up your metabolism by understanding a few things about your body and following simple tips. First, consuming the right foods will boost the rate at which your body burns calories. Protein, for instance, helps you build lean mass, while at the same time burning more [...]

Increase your Metabolic Rate2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00

Body Fat Reduction

EXERCISE Regular weight training triggers a quicker metabolism and helps you reduce body fat. Weight training increases your lean mass, and this results in a faster metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat. Twice or three times per week, train your body. You'll be doing more than just reducing your body fat, your heart, [...]

Body Fat Reduction2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00

Why Choose A Lifestyle Specialist?

Why Choose A Lifestyle Specialist? By: Nancy Mitchell   Most of us, it is safe to say, would love to look good, feel great and BE healthy. If it were possible to make lifestyle changes in order to: lose excess body fat, look incredible, have an endless amount of energy, a zest for life, always be [...]

Why Choose A Lifestyle Specialist?2022-02-28T17:46:47-08:00
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