Tips on Establishing New Habits
Oxygenfit News Letter Tips on Establishing New Habits: December 2007 By: Karla Adams Set goals with a date. A focus point gives you more motivation. Some motivating goals may be an event you have [...]
Muscle & Fitness hers THE WRITE STUFF September 9, 2008 Keeping a journal on all things related to exercise can help you reach even your loftiest fitness goals What are the two most important things you [...]
Think yoga is only good for stretching? Think again
Think yoga is only good for stretching? Think again Mod Amaya, March 17th, 2009 Okay, I agree that the almost universal mental picture of yoga involves spandex clad women with closed eyes surrounded by [...]
Cultivating a Home Practice
Cultivating a Home Practice Mod Amaya, March 27th, 2009 One of the first things needed to create the habit of a home practice is a space. It’s difficult to practice yoga in front of the tv [...]
Personal Trainer TV Filming
Personal Trainer TV Filming October 7, 2007 John Spencer Ellis
Mom’s on the Run
Oxygenfit News Letter: Mom's on the Run, December 2007 By: Karla Adams Does having a baby or taking care of kids mean no time for exercise or no time to eat right? No way! How [...]