
Be Aware Of The Dangers When Using Credit Cards

Be Aware Of The Dangers When Using Credit Cards May 17, 2007, 4:29 p Credit education article on the dangers of credit card use and credit card debt. You have to be cautious. Overspending can be an addiction, like alcoholism, drug abuse or compulsive gambling. Even though you feel that you're in control with your [...]

Be Aware Of The Dangers When Using Credit Cards2022-02-28T17:46:49-08:00

7 Steps to Goal Success

Setting goals is a crucial part of obtaining financial freedom. We stress goal-setting with all of our clients, and here we offer 7 steps to ensuring you will be successful in achieving your goals.   When we educate consumers about achieving financial freedom, goals come up early and often. Setting goals is an essential early [...]

7 Steps to Goal Success2022-02-28T17:46:49-08:00

SUGAR | What you NEED to Know!

Here are 7 ways SUGAR harms you! 1. Sugar often leads to mood swings, fatigue, headaches and cravings for more sugar. Cravings set the stage for a cycle of addiction! 2. Sugar suppresses immune responses, and increases infections and illness 3. Sugar accelerates aging. 4. Sugar causes tooth decay. With all the other life-threatening effects [...]

SUGAR | What you NEED to Know!2022-02-28T17:46:49-08:00

5 tips for achieving and keeping results!

1. The right exercise program : Not all exercise programs are equal! Not all interpretations of the same program are alike. The right exercise program will continue to make a difference in your physique and/or performance. If you do not see and/or feel a difference from your program, something needs tochange! You need to learn what type [...]

5 tips for achieving and keeping results!2022-02-28T17:46:49-08:00

Spicing Up Exercise

By KIMBERLY PRENDERGAST THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE    Front page of the Your Life Section Yoga. Pilates. Martial Arts. old disciplines, yet they continue to grow in popularity, spawning copycat routines and endless merchandise. Classes and DVDs offer routines based on everything from ballet and hula to Navy SEAL training. “Medicine balls, elastic bands and fitness balls are popular [...]

Spicing Up Exercise2022-02-28T17:46:49-08:00
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