Andrew Lieberman


Healthy Lifestyle


Lifestyle Transformation

I have always enjoyed running and working out and I have maintained a decent level of fitness since my late 20’s.  As 40 passed me by, I started noticing some changes and not all of them were pleasant.  Those extra and occasional donuts, burgers w/fries and chips which had, for so many years, miraculously disappeared, were still disappearing from the table, but staying with me long after the fact.

By the time the holidays were over last year I had moved up to 190 lbs. Not only that, but what had once been easy for me as a runner was now in the speed work category.  I was not a happy camper!

I knew of Karla from the Lopers, having seen her running, known fellow runners who worked out with her and had seen some of the results they had achieved, so I decided what the heck.

We met up and set some goals….

  • Lose 10lbs.
  • Get down to about 14% body fat
  • Get my speed back in my runs…specifically:
  • Sub 20 min 5K
  • Sub 40 min 10K
  • Sub 3:30 Marathon
  • Increase my overall strength.
  • Feel better about myself and  the way I look

I am happy to say that with the exception of the sub 3:30 marathon and sub 40 min 10K, I have accomplished all of my goals with Karla’s help.  The other 2 goals I have no doubt I will achieve soon, just searching for the right ones.

I also believe that Karla has changed my life. I am not watching my diet to the level that I was when her and I started together, but neither am I eating the way I had been. Karla advocates for life change and that is what is truly necessary to fight the ongoing battle of the bulge. I am approaching the Holiday Season once more, but without fear. Put it this way: as I write this I am recuperating from a 5 mile run that I did in 34 minutes…an impossibility at this time last year.


Lose 10lbs.

Get down to about 14% body fat

Get my speed back in my runs…specifically:

Sub 20 min 5K

Sub 40 min 10K

Sub 3:30 Marathon

Increase my overall strength.

Feel better about myself the way I look


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