Pete Staylor

“Arthritis is not a nice word in my book! It crippled my Mother and Father and has kept me from walking without pain for many years now. I would like to be an inspiration to those folks who have had physical issues, even if they are getting up there in years, it is not too late to get active!”


 Healthy Lifestyle

Arthritis is not a nice word in my book. It crippled my Mother and Father and has kept me from walking without pain for many years now.

Thanks to modern medicine I recently underwent bilateral knee replacement surgery and I am looking forward to participating in Next years CCC pain free for the very first time. This will be my 12th time participating in this event and the 8th time as a rider. I am truly excited about this years ride. I am feeling like I have a new lease on life and beginning my physical training, it feels fantastic!! AND I am so very grateful for your help in this.

I may have arthritis, but arthritis does not have me!


In just 9 weeks:

13lbs lost!
Down 17 inches!


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